Frequently Asked Questions
1 How often should I have my eyes examined?
The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends a comprehensive eye examination every two years for people under the age of 60 and every year for people over 60. This recommendation is for everyone, not just for people who wear glasses or who have vision or eye problems. Patients who wear contact lenses or with certain vision conditions and diseases, such as glaucoma or diabetes, may need more than routine optometric visits.
2 When should children have their first eye exam?
Children should have their first eye exam between the ages of 6-12 months. InfantSEE®, a program in which AOA doctors examine children of these ages at no charge, has saved the vision of countless children. In eye care, early detection is the key – if many eye conditions are detected early, the prognosis is better than if the same conditions are caught later in life.
3 Does my medical insurance cover eye exams?
Yes and no. Medical insurance covers visits to Dr. Taylor if the reason for the visit is medical in nature. This may be due to a long-standing eye disease, such as glaucoma, or may be due to a recent infection or injury. Different insurance carriers have different requirements for coverage, so it is best to check with Taylor Eye Care or your insurance company regarding coverage. Routine eye exams are generally not covered by medical insurance, but may be covered by vision insurance.
4 My vision seems fine, why do I need an eye exam?
Many serious eye diseases have no symptoms in the initial stages, and by the time symptoms are noticed, it may be too late to prevent damage from occurring. An example of an eye disease without symptoms at first is glaucoma. In glaucoma, the sensitive nerve inside the eye is progressively damaged over time. The damage usually occurs painlessly, and central vision is not affected. Simple tests done at routine eye exams can rule out glaucoma or detect it if it exists. Then, treatment can be recommended before damage can occur.
5 Does Medicare pay for eyeglasses?
No. The exception to this is after cataract surgery. In this case, Medicare may pay for a portion of the glasses following surgery.
6 Why do I need to have my eyes dilated?
During an eye exam, Dr. Taylor will want to examine the interior structures of the eyes. To do this, light must be shined through the pupils in order to see the interior structures. If a person’s pupils are too small, it may difficult to assess the inside of the eyes. Dilating the pupils makes them larger, allowing a better view of the inside of the eyes.
7 When can my child start wearing contact lenses?
It depends upon the child. Taking care of contacts is a big responsibility, and if they are not cared for correctly, they can cause serious damage to the eyes. Usually, the parents, the child, and Dr. Taylor decide together when contact lenses may be appropriate.